For those who truly deserve recognition

Advocacy & Appreciation

Individuals who lead change, not just by articulating the most pressing challenges but also by creating inclusive solutions to complex social and economic problems, become role models for their communities. These changemakers are important for community involvement and development. They also drive community-led organic change. Recognizing them and supporting their work is important for the foundation. The Advocacy and Appreciation division, through ‘Ideate’ and ‘Shambhavi Puraskar’ celebrates their work. Launched in 2012, BIPF’s ‘Ideate - from ideas to action’ is an engagement platform that brings together the experts from diverse sectors to share their ideas and views on how to address the pressing social issues. Shambhavi Puraskar was instituted by the BIPF in 2014. The award’s purpose is to “give recognition to those who act as the agents of social change and motivate others to follow in their footsteps.”

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