To recognize excellence and innovation by emerging social catalysts and thereby encourage more citizens to act as agents of change.
Mr Khirod Sahoo

Recipient, Shambhavi Puraskar 2021

Talcher (Angul District), Odisha

Mr Khirod Sahoo describes himself through one line, “the happiest people are those who lose themselves in the service of others”, which is a testimony of his passion and dedication to reach out to people in distress. A beacon in the life of the needy, through selfless service, he has brought about a positive change in the lives of many residing in the Angul District of Odisha. Having started this benevolent service at the age of 12 yrs, he is known in his locality for immediate response for road and train accident victims. Khirod’s bike cum ambulance is appreciated by all in his surrounding villages and his ‘all white attire’ has brought him into visibility and making him a benevolent brand.

Khirod believes life is precious and should be saved; with this passion to save the lives of people he has organised several blood donations camps. This foundation led him into supporting hundreds of sickles and thalassemia children in crisis. His long-term commitment, tireless coordination and experience, resulting in sourcing the rare “Bombay Phenotype” blood for a 28 years old woman is exemplary and a ray of hope for future patients. His noble attitude is reflected in his help extended for financial linkages for the quality curative healthcare for marginalised patients. Khirod is available 24x7 for any assistance and this proves his indomitable spirit towards social service.

Over the years he has devoted himself for education of the younger generation and awareness on health issues. Through advocacy, he has counselled underprivileged children on the necessity of education and encouraged these children to go back to school. He has been vocal against child marriage, alcoholism, domestic violence & dogmatic social practices.

In recognition of his perseverance and commitment in the domain of Health & Advocacy in the district of Angul, the Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation (BIPF) has the proud privilege of conferring upon Mr Khirod Sahoo the Shambhavi Puraskar 2021 which carries a memento, citation and a cash prize of Rs. 2,50,000/-

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.